Book Store & Gift Shop
Our book store and gift shop helps us to support the chapel. All of our proceeds go to keep the chapel running and the various ministries housed here going strong.
Store Hours:
Monday – Thursday: 10am-4pm (closed for Mass 12-12:40 pm)
Fridays: 10 am-7:30 pm (closed for Mass 12-12:40 pm)
First Saturdays ONLY: 9:45 am-2:00 pm (closed for Mass 10:30-11:30 am)
All other Saturdays & Sundays: closed
Please note: The store is ALWAYS closed during Mass. (We want to go too!)
Always call ahead during inclement weather.
Huge Selection
We feature a beautiful Bookstore and Gift Shop loaded with everything Catholic you could need. We carry all the regular Catholic items such as Bibles, devotionals, rosaries, medals etc. along with the best and the latest Catholic books and publications, and seasonal and sacramental giftware. Our store is always bright and beautiful. Our patrons love to come shop especially before and after Mass and confessions.
Your Personal Shopper
Why spend your valuable time hunting online for your religious articles? Let us be your personal shoppers. We have excellent, ethical vendors featuring thousands of quality items. We know the suppliers and the quality, and we will happily special order for you. Some of our vendors even drop ship directly to our customers. Plus, as we are a non-profit, we do not charge sales tax. Best of all, you can know you are supporting a faithful, vibrant, family-founded lay apostolate. (Image: A special-ordered 42” hand-painted crucifix from Equador for a 100’ rosary.)
Offsite Shows
We know you’re busy, so sometimes we bring our items to you! We visit area parishes during First Holy Communion preparation and also around Christmastime, bringing a huge selection of items to make shopping easier. We also attend conferences such as the Maryland Catholic Men’s Fellowship Conference and the Maryland Catholic Women’s Conference. Let us know if you would like us to come to your parish. Also, if you would like to volunteer on our Offsite Show Crew, let us know!